Spotify UK Always On

Social Content

This content was created as part of Spotify UK’s always on content for some of their ongoing series Spotify Equals and The Indie List, as well as a one off video piece promoting the new ‘Like a Lioness’ playlist which features songs selected by the women’s England football team in the lead up to the 2023 world cup. This content was featured across Instagram Reels and Tiktok.



Like a Lioness Playlist

This content features some of the England women’s football team’s star members talking about some of their favourite songs and why they have selected them to be on Spotify’s Like a Lioness playlist

Spotify Equals: In conversation with Olivia Dean

This content features an interview with the artist Olivia Dean, talking about what inspires her as a musician, where the hot spots in East London are and what makes her ticks when it comes to making her art.

The Spotify Indie List

The Spotify Indie List is a playlist featuring artist who fall within the Indie music sphere; this video features some of those artist talking about why Indie artists are important in todays musical climate and what makes the Indie music of today.